Thursday, December 30, 2010

The cutest holiday season of all

Even during the worst Holiday of the year, cuteness rears it's tiny, sweet head. Despite the fact that I spend most of December stomping around scowling at every bit of cheer that comes my way, I did manage to find a bit of cuteness and fun during the holiday madness. As is fairly typical of me and my version of cuteness, all of these cute things happen to be deliciously edible.

My new silver serving spoon - serving up a sweet, juicy, little tangerine.

My extra easy, extra darling appetizers - wantons filled with nummy things. They look so petite and classy.

I bought the chocolate bar for the wrapper, thank goodness I know Theo Chocolate is a good company but honestly, I would have bought it even if it was from Hershey. I just can't resist a picture of a little blond German girl collecting cocoa nibs in Peru with llamas. So cute and fun!

Well, since I was getting one bar I had to get the other bar, besides it has kitties on it.

Well, Since I was getting two bars I had to get a third bar, despite the very strange picture on the third bar. Actually, I liked it once I realized that the picture was of personified Hazelnuts. Now every time I eat a Hazelnut, I'll think "oh no! the poor little things."

My favorite picture of the holiday season is this little Marzipan Snowman sitting atop a salted caramel tart, surrounded by hand-rolled peppermint truffles. I never ever eat Marzipan because it is disgusting but I adore all the cute little creatures that people make out of it. The tart and truffles are not particularly picturesque but they really were stunningly good, probably the best thing I ate the entire Christmas week.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

happy treat

There has been an obvious lack of posts about bentos and all things related to bentos in the last few months. Basically, I left most of my supplies with my mother and have yet to replenish, simply because I've truly realized just how much work it is to make them. And, this isn't a bento blog! it's just a cute-stuff-in-Lynnea's-life blog. This isn't to say I'm not still totally enamoured with the little cutie lunches and in fact, I purchased some very cute hole punches while in Tokyo.

This is the result:

Now this was made in just five minutes last night and I know that Mabo-don isn't the most photogenic substance but those cute little faces just make the whole bento so much more appetizing.