So, it may be fairly apparent that life has pretty much had me struggling to stay afloat for the past two months, considering that I haven't even posted an I'm-sorry-I-haven't-posted-recently post. I will say, though, that I am looking forward to unflummoxing my life in February now, rather than in January, like I had originally planned. And, I think this past Sunday's incredibly lovely (and ridiculously filling) tea party was the start of that new plan.

Our lovely Valentine's Day tea party forced me to sit down for four hours straight (something that rarely happens) and just enjoy munching on treats and chatting with friends. It was really delightful. Perhaps, I won't log quite as many hours jogging or as many laboriously healthful meals in February as I did in January, but I will have eaten more cake and celebrated the best holiday of the year(who can possibly hate a holiday that celebrates eating candy, is decorated with my favorite color and promotes the best possible feeling, that of love).

For the tea party, I made a Strawberry Mousse recipe from one of Donna Hay's magazines. It was absolutely fluffy and delightful; such a treat. Also, I tried to make petits fours and felt it to be quite a failure but, to be honest, I hadn't worked out the recipe before hand, which I knew was a mistake. Some of the components that I had been planning to use for the petits fours were either not usable or not ideal, but that's what happens when one doesn't take the time to plan ahead! =)

Over all, I just adored everything we ate; the table setting was just stunning, and the day couldn't have been more perfect for a tea party.
(I should mention that all photos were "borrowed" from Cat's Facebook page =) I totally forgot to take any photos!! Pretty crazy, considering all the work that went into this tea party. But, thank goodness for friends who take photos of absolutely everything they ever eat ;))
Happy New Year Lynnea. It's so nice to see a new post!
Oh look how pretty it all looks! I love it!
It really was delightful!
And, PS, Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you! it felt good to post again! =)
You set a truly gorgeous table for our valentine's tea!! thank you for buying special linens and everything for it!!! =)
I keep feeling impressed by how perfectly the tea turned out. individual things may have been a little wonky, the tipped over fruit platter and my weird sticky petits fours but in the end, it was absolutely lovely! =)
And Happy Valentine's Day!! my favorite holiday of the year!
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