On a recent trip to the farmer's market, Matthew and I picked up a giant, gorgeous Fairy Tale Pumpkin. I love the exaggerated ridges and deep grooves that make it just scream "I'm a fancy pumpkin!" This particular variety of pumpkin is an older variety and seems to be well regarded in general for cooking and appearance.
I've read about these pumpkins and I've probably even seen them before, but had never considered buying one all for my very own until we were on our way out of the market and had almost started the long trek to the car without purchasing a single heavy thing. But, when I spotted a table of $5 pumpkins, I quickly remedied the situation by buying the largest of the Fairy Tale Pumpkins that I could find on the table, not because I actually wanted to torture Matthew by making him lug it to the car, but because it truly was a perfect pumpkin.
I'm not sure what I'll turn it into: pie, soup, pudding, bread? it all sounds delicious and because this pumpkin is so large, I'll probably make a little bit of everything out of it. Yum!
I suspect I'll have to share a nibble or two of whatever I end up making with this tiny new friend.
Little Miss Fancy Squirrel was a Birthday gift from Aimee who sells these tiny pins in her new Brownsville shop. The little pin was originally made by our Cousin Rumi; what a talented family I married into!
Until I make some pumpkin treats, Little Miss Fancy can enjoy munching on this tiny felt Mushroom that I picked up at a Farmer's Market in Rhode Island last fall.
I think it's just her size!
That pumpkin is almost too beautiful to eat, but, of course, it would be a sin to let it rot; so, try some pumpkin pancakes with some of it. I am making them this week with the children. I made spicy syrup to go on them.
yes, yes it would be a terrible waste to let it rot! I am actually very very good at letting food sit around looking beautiful until it is completely inedible and disgusting!! But I really want to use up this pumpkin. They are very hard shelled though and can last for quite a long time. I'll look forward to reading about the pumpkin pancake project.
After finally chopping up the pumpkin, i recant my last comment =) letting it rot is a better plan!
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