On one of our many walks through Harajuku(yes, we've been through quite a few times just because it's so fun) I just had to snap a few photos of some of my favorite crazy bits of fashion. Stuff that is just so insanely fun but that I could never pull off, even if I was a little fashionista.
With a name like Candy Strippers you would think that the shop would have some more unusual outfits. In reality, they just have lots of really expensive and silly clothes. These extremely puffy, polka dot boots are a fine example of Candy Stripper's wares.
This is the rather unassuming, very old fashioned Harajuku train station which is directly across from a series of jumping, bright streets filled with clothing shops and big displays. Kind of a fun contrast.
Love! these! boots! Could never wear them but I adore them.
And a hat to go with the boots. Once again, I probably would have a little trouble pulling this off =)
A very odd and slightly disturbing display outside Sevens, a shop which, primarily, sells items for 700 yen.
Really silly pocket in this pair of pants.
My favorite photo. Such sad little cuties at their cannibalistic meal.
The train station looks a little like a Shakespearean building. You know, Ashland like.
It does look a bit old fashioned, yes and it felt like I should be walking around in 1940s or 1950s clothes.
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