This year, January has flown by unusually quickly. Usually, this one month(which also happens to be mine and probably everyone else's least favorite month) feels at least two or three months long.

I don't even feel like Christmas is over or like I've resettled down into normal life after being in Oregon for two and a half weeks. I'm finally coming to terms with the change of Holidays and I did manage to get all of my Halloween decorations put away on Tuesday, along with the one piece of Christmas decor that I put up in our apartment before leaving for our trip. I bought it at Daiso for $1.50, a little Snowman tinsel rope, very cute and tacky.
Since Valentine's Day is less than a month away, I pulled out my Valentine's Decorations and put these adorable lip soaps(an xmas gift from my mother) by my sink. They are made by a super cute soap company in Southern Oregon, Kisses and Kompany. They smell delicious.
So, this week I took the opportunity to say, "Goodbye" to Halloween and Christmas, and "Hello" to Valentine's day.

I am saying "Hello" too! I am happy because our Foster Connect support meeting is tomorrow and since it's close to Valentine's I did a Valentines theme in the food, decorations,and kid's activities. Also, I'm hosting a going away part for Cindi on the 15th so that is also a Valentine's theme party. I'm just getting it in wherever I can!
- Clare
How fun! I wish I could get you your valentine's gifts before valentine's day so you could use them but there's just too much to send =)
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