For the first time in four years, I spent my Birthday at home in Oregon amongst my family and the fall colors that I always expect to see around my Birthday. It still surprises me every year when November rolls around the San Diegan trees are still green or simply shriveled and brown, no bright color at all. This year I enjoyed having a true fall birthday at home.

My birthday cake- one of the best I've ever eaten

A stroll through the park after birthday shopping and lunch

A birthday Mother on the bridge

A sampling of the lovely trees in Ashland
Images from Pat's Autumn garden
Pretty little flowers

Hawthorne berries before they darken for winter and lose their leaves

The Hops-still pretty, despite no longer
being green

A strange little Orange berry tree that I've never noticed before

Not a garden picture, but still, very pretty little utensils. I should have posted it with my muffin recipe post.