Naturally, my first trip to the east coast must include my first encounter with the Atlantic ocean. Let me say this, it was a very short meeting and doesn't have me entirely convinced. I still like the Pacific ocean best, so far, I'm still a west coast girl. Now, admittedly, I was only in the water for 10 seconds or so and the pitiful little beach we found was, by no means a nice representation of what the Atlantic ocean beaches have to offer (I'm guessing/hoping).

Have to admit - we kind of picked a gross beach, but there weren't a lot of public beaches. We still aren't entirely sure this one was.

I pinky swear that we didn't photoshop Matthew into the photo but it sure looks that way.

Ready for a new experience.

Gently approaching my target.

Oh dear! it got me.

Done. Get me off this grody little beach.
I'll just say, the Atlantic won this time, but next time I'll be better prepared.