Just a quick post to show off how talented and sweet my mother is to me. I received a darling package in the mail a couple of weeks ago; it was covered with little fairy stickers which had darling little quotes around them, written, of course, in my dear mother's handwriting. Upon opening the box, I discovered several darling little creatures peeking out of the tissue paper. Initially, I thought "Oh how very sweet of my mother to send me these things. She must have bought them from a very talented artisan, perhaps a friend of hers." Imagine my surprise when she told me she made them herself! She is incredible. I still feel a sense of complete amazement every time I examine the tiny detail work on the little fairy or the sweet little owl pouch. It is the same feeling that I had as a child when my mother would come along and help me with a project that I had been struggling to make work; she always was able to draw, write, craft so perfectly and here, I find, now that I'm older and more capable than I was as a child, she still seems to do everything perfectly. It's lovely having such a talented mother.
Here are a few pictures of her tiny creations:
Fairy friends

Little fairy leaning over the wishing well, I mean wishing tea cup

A tiny pirate sailing around in the mate gourd that he picked up in Argentina. He is quite the world traveler, but my mother says he isn't particularly fond of seagulls, due to a rather frightening incident and he doesn't like to talk about. He prefers everyone to think he is very brave.

Tiny owl pouch. I love it.